IA - Discovery Flight Sign Up
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Please note: Full payment must be received in advance of scheduling your Discovery Flight. All Discovery Flights are non-refundable.

Payment options include:

  • Credit Card via phone (call 303-858-1600)
  • Check or cash (at our office)

After you submit this form, please contact our customer service representative at 303-858-1600 to provide payment.

If you have a gift certificate for this flight, please scroll back up and choose "Yes" in the "I have a gift certificate" field.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
If you prefer to email your photo ID, please continue scrolling for instructions.
Note, we cannot schedule your Discovery Flight until we have received your photo ID. Also, if you are purchasing a Discovery Flight or upgrading your gift certificate, we will need to collect payment in advance.
Are you looking to make flying a career? Perhaps it's a stepping stone towards a different track? Let us know your story.

You are almost done!

In the following sections, you will be asked to digitally sign a few legal documents. You may choose to sign each document using your mouse, finger, or stylus depending on the type of device you are using to complete this sign up.

If you prefer to type your legal name instead of using a mouse, finger, or stylus, please select "YES" below:
Clear Signature
1. I acknowledge that any aircraft rental, flight operation, or flight/aviation instruction provided by Independence Aviation, LLC involves the possibility of physical injury or death and/or damage to property.

2. In consideration of participating in Independence Aviation, LLC rental/flight operations, I hereby state and agree as follows:

(a) I waive, release, and discharge Independence Aviation, LLC, and its employees, contractors, representatives, or agents, from any and all claims, losses, or liabilities for death, personal injury, partial or permanent disability, property damage, medical or hospital bills, theft, or damage of any kind, including economic losses, which may arise by reason of my participation in aircraft rental/flight operations. To the fullest extent possible by law, I hereby waive, release, and discharge Independence Aviation, LLC, and its employees, contractors, representatives or agents notwithstanding their own negligent acts or omissions or the negligent acts or omissions of others.
(b) I will not bring any action or claim against any of the parties hereby released for any reason associated with flight operations or any activity related to aircraft rental/flight operations, including related activities, within aircraft or airport facilities.
(c) I indemnify and hold harmless the parties hereby released from any and all claims made or liabilities assessed against them as a result of my participation in aircraft rental/flight operations.

3. I hereby affirm that:

(a) I am eighteen (18) years of age or older. I have read this document and I understand its contents. I acknowledge the possible hazards in the use of aircraft and I am fully and voluntarily waiving all liability that may arise by reason of participation after full consideration of the rights I am waiving. This waiver is in consideration of my being allowed to participate in aircraft rental/flight operations with Independence Aviation, LLC;
(b) I am the parent or legal guardian of client. I have read this document and I understand its contents. I acknowledge the possible hazards in the use of aircraft and I am fully and voluntarily waiving all liability that may arise by reason of this participation after full consideration of the rights I am waiving. This waiver is in consideration of my child being allowed to participate in aircraft rental/flight operations with Independence Aviation, LLC.

By signing below as the client or parent/guardian of the client you agree that:

(a) you have read and understand the policies and procedures found in the General Operations Manual;
(b) you have read and understand the above agreement;
(c) the information you have provided on this form is true and accurate;
(d) there are no known reasons that the client should not be granted aircraft rental privileges;
(e) being granted aircraft rental privileges will not violate any law or order stipulating otherwise;
(f) there are no known current FAA enforcement actions being considered against the client.

Clear Signature
Please read this document carefully. It affects the rights that you, your family, and others may have if you or others become exposed to or infected by COVID-19 and suffer personal illness, injury, disability, death, or other damages as a result of your election to participate in any flight instruction or other aviation services offered by Independence Aviation, LLC (“IA”) on IA’s premises or on board an aircraft managed by IA.
The novel coronavirus, known as COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by multiple public health authorities, including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). COVID-19 is highly contagious and is believed to spread primarily from person-to-person contact. Because of this, both governmental and public health authorities have recommended that individuals observe social distancing practices. IA provides aviation services, including FAA-required pilot instruction, which are considered critical under CDPHE guidance, and we endeavor to provide those critical services safely. However, while IA has implemented preventative measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, IA cannot guarantee that clients or their family member will not become infected with COVID-19. Please be aware that when you engage in flight instruction or other aviation services on IA’s premises or in an IA-managed aircraft, you are likely to be in close proximity of others and/or come into physical contact with surfaces touched by others. For instance, due to the size of aircraft used for IA’s services, social distancing of 6 feet between a client and a Certified Flight Instructor (“CFI”) is not possible during flight or instruction activities in an aircraft setting. As such, we want to emphasize that electing to participate in such activities could increase your and your family’s risk of contracting COVID-19. For these reasons, each client who wishes to participate in IA’s flight instruction or other aviation services on IA premises, in an IA-managed aircraft or using an IA simulator (“IA Activities”) is first required to sign this Assumption of Risk & Waiver of Liability (this “Waiver”).
The undersigned client (“Client”) has requested to participate in IA Activities during the COVID- 19 pandemic. By signing this Waiver, Client, on behalf of himself/herself and his/her family, heirs, assigns, personal representatives and successors (“Other Parties”), hereby agrees as follows:

1. Client acknowledges the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assumes the risk that Client and Client’s family members may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 as a result of Client’s decision to participate in IA Activities, and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability and/or death. Client understands that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at IA’s facilities or while participating in IA Activities may result from the actions, omissions or negligence of Client or others, including but not limited to IA employees, CFIs and other IA clients.

2. Client voluntarily agrees to assume all of the risks outlined in Section 1 above, and to accept sole responsibility for any injury, illness, disability, death, damage, claim, liability, expense or loss, of any kind, direct or indirect, that Client or Other Parties may experience or incur in connection with Client’s presence at IA’s facilities or participation in IA Activities (“Claims”).

3. Client, on behalf of Client and Other Parties, hereby releases, covenants not to sue, and discharges IA, including its employees, owners, contractors, agents and representatives (“Released Parties”), of and from the Claims, including all liabilities, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any kind arising out of the Claims or relating thereto. Client understands and agrees that this release includes any Claims based on the actions, omissions or negligence of IA or any of the Released Parties, whether a COVID-19 infection occurs before, during or after Client’s presence at IA facilities or participation in any IA Activities. Client shall indemnify and hold harmless IA and the Released Parties from any and all COVID-19-related claims made or liability assessed against Client by third parties as a result of Client’s presence at IA’s facilities or participation in IA Activities.

4. Client acknowledges and represents that: (a) Client has read this Waiver, understands it and signs it voluntarily; (b) IA has not made any representations, statements or inducements to Client; (c) Client is at least 18 years of age and fully competent, or has obtained parental consent; (d) this Waiver is executed in exchange for in-person participation in IA’s flight instruction services during the COVID-19 pandemic; and (e) this Waiver does not supersede or void any prior agreements between Client and IA, and all such agreements remain in effect.
Clear Signature
At Independence Aviation, we believe the power of visual media to spread the positive message of our flying community is crucial to our success as a flight school.

Equally as important, we value your need for privacy when you participate in activities at IA such as flight training, events, and clubs.

We kindly ask for your permission to use video/photos of you to help us with our mission to promote IA and general aviation across all of our visual platforms. To grant us that permission, please agree to the following:

1. By signing below, I am entering into an agreement with Independence Aviation, LLC, its staff, and its assigned representatives, herein referred to collectively as the "Club.”
2. I understand the Club may capture my likeness in the form of video, audio, and photographs, which are herein collectively referred to as “Recordings.”
3. I grant the Club the right to take, edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, distribute, and make use of any and all Recordings of me for any lawful purpose at Club’s discretion.
4. This authorization extends to all languages, media, formats, and markets now known or later discovered.
5. This authorization will continue indefinitely unless I otherwise revoke this authorization in writing. Any such revocation will be valid only after a manager of the Club has confirmed its receipt. Revocation will only affect future Recordings and publishing. Any previous Recordings and published products will remain property of the Club and use of such may be discontinued only at the sole discretion of the Club’s management staff.
6. I also waive the right to inspect or approve any Recordings or finished products produced, or derived from Recordings in which my likeness appears.
7. I agree that I have either already been fully compensated for this use of my likeness, or have otherwise agreed to this release without being compensated. I waive all rights to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the Recordings.
8. I understand and agree the Recordings shall become property of Independence Aviation, LLC and will not be returned.
9. I hereby hold harmless and release Independence Aviation, LLC, its staff, and its assigned representatives from all liability, petitions, and causes of action which I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, or any other persons may make while acting on my behalf or on behalf of my estate.

Payment Authorization Form

Charges for instruction, aircraft rental and incidentals will be invoiced within one business day of the completion of that flight. A credit card is required to be placed on file before scheduled appointments. Customers are welcome to pay cash, check, or use a different card when invoiced. Otherwise, charges remaining 3 days after invoice will be billed to the credit card on file. All charges via credit card will incur a 3% processing fee.

Cancellations within 24 hours of the reservation are subject to a minimum of one hour aircraft fee and a minimum of two hours instructor fee.

Clear Signature